
Before taking your club on a trip, you need to complete the Trip Form detailing the details of the trip, any drivers, participants and any relevent risk assessments. The trip form can be downloaded below, and must be returned to the Student Activities Coordinator at least 2 weeks before the trip is planned to take place. Larger annual trips (Scotland, Alps, etc) must be planned earlier and a trip proposal submitted for approval no less than one month before the date of the trip.

You must also be aware of our trip procedure and emergency procedure documented below.

Download Trip Form


  • Trip sheets must be completed in full and submitted to the Activities Office at least 2 weeks prior to the trip taking place, apart from in special circumstances that have been agreed with the Students Union beforehand.
  • A comprehensive trip risk assessment sheet must be completed and submitted along with the trip form.
  • All group members attending the trip must be signed up and paid members before the trip. This is so the student has filled in the Emergency contact details on the membership.
  • Larger annual trips (Scotland, Alps) must be planned earlier and a trip proposal submitted for approval no less than one month before the date of the trip.
  • All members attending a trip must fulfil the prerequisites for that particular trip.
  • The group committee, group leaders and Student Activities Manager reserve the right to refuse a place on any trips or suspend any individual from group activities if their behaviour puts themselves, the trip or any other person at risk.
  • All trips must be run within the remit of the group leader’s qualifications and/or experience.
  • In the event of an accident refer to the emergency action procedures:
    1. Administer First Aid to the Casualty.
    2. Call the emergency services (999, 112) and request the appropriate service. If you consider the location inaccessible, inform the operator. If you cannot contact anyone, use six whistle blasts or torch flashes, repeated at minute intervals, to signal an emergency.
    3. Ensure the safety of the remainder of the group.
    4. Seek aid and evacuation where appropriate.
    5. Inform the University of Salford Students’ Union
    6. Do not speak to any media related bodies
    7. Do not admit responsibility