Committee Training

Becoming an elected committee member of a Society is an exciting, challenging opportunity. Below is the Committee induction training for all Committee members, regardless of role. It contains a short video introducing you to the Union and your role within it, as well as the Society Handbook.

Committee Induction Training

The Committee of each Society is made up of a number of very important roles. Below you can find the neccessary training and handbooks for all of the main committee positions. Each committee member should complete their training and read their handbook, and the group handbook as a minimum. However, it is advised that you complete as much of the content on here as possible, paying attention to the "recommended for" list.

Role Details Also Recommended for:
Chairperson Handbook Vice-Chairperson, Secretary
Secretary Handbook Wellbeing Officer, Social Secretary, Events Coordinator
Treasurer Handbook Chairperson
Wellbeing  Handbook Chairperson, Secretary, Events Coordinator
Events  Coming Soon All Committee Members

Below are some policy documents which you as committee members must adhere to, and ensure that your group adheres to them also. Please take time to read over all of them no matter what your role. 

Document Details
Elected Officers Bye-Law More Information
Equality and Diversity Policy More Information
Data Protection Coming Soon